This Saturday, August 6th, businesses in our downtown Apex community are working together to give back! The majority of businesses in downtown Apex are locally owned and operated, so each time you shop the money you spend stays local. This weekend, we want to expand on that concept, so the impact of shopping local extends to nonprofits working in the area.

We are excited to giveback 10% of this Saturday’s sales to Neighbor to Neighbor, a nonprofit working to reverse the effect of poverty through mentoring relationships. Read more about them below.

N2N comes alongside neighbors in Southeast Raleigh, through committed mentoring relationships and comprehensive programming. They aid their neighbors in the pursuits of education, social enterprises and job training, helping to stunt the effects of poverty.
On average, students are involved in N2N for 5 years. During that time they offer an intentional mentorship that expresses care, challenges growth, provides support, shares power and expands vision. They do that through the following programs. 
  • Academic Mentoring 
  • Afterschool Enrichment 
  • Asset Development 
  • Social Entrepreneurship 
  • M.A.D. House Basketball
Neighbor Enterprises was created in order to better serve N2N graduates who were struggling to find living wage employment. These thriving community-based businesses provide living-wage employment opportunities to folks who have been historically marginalized from mainstream economic means.
  • Neighbor Moving
  • Neighbor Cleaning
  • Neighbor Lawn Care
  • Neighbor Catering
For the last 23 years N2N has been working in Southeast Raleigh, here are a few areas of impact:
  • Students grow 3x faster than the national average–1.5 grade levels each year
  • 87% of graduates of N2N’s Jobs Program find and keep a job
  • 82% of graduates of N2N’s Jobs Program enroll in higher education
  • Over 175 GEDs earned in the past 5 years
  • 3 business startups launched
You can learn more about Neighbor to Neighbor’s work here
Neighbor to Neighbor will be in the shop Saturday, August 6th from 10:30am-3:00pm sharing all things N2N.
Amber Brennan